Shannon Bailey’s Vault


From the Bethblog:

Today’s Inside the Vault is about Shannon Bailey, programmer. He works on our internal tools – designers and artists love him because he handles their feature requests. Shannon also volunteered to help get the Star Trek Legacy Mod Tool into a state where we could release it to the public. One more thing – Shannon knows how to belt out a tune in Rock Band.

What’s your job at Bethesda?
I’m a programmer in the systems group, which means that I mostly work on the ways things get into the game. Specifically, I do a lot of work on the editor and the art exporter, and I help maintain our build process.What other games have you worked on?
The only game I’ve worked on besides Fallout was Midway’s Gravity Games Bike title (though I started in their tools department, writing plug-ins and doing r&d).

I spent some time afterwards studying and working in cognitive neuroscience, ultimately in a lab that studied the effects of playing video games on the brain. But unless you count pushing a button to indicate the familiarity of a stimulus as gaming, Fallout 3 is the only other title I’ve worked on, and the first RPG.[…]

What would you say is your personal favorite game of all time?
I can’t pick only one. Wizardry VII was the weirdest game I played during my teenage years, and one of the deepest. Few games will let you be a magic-using samurai who carries a laser and plate mail and negotiates with aliens. All this weirdness is believable, though, because the world doesn’t feel dormant; things are already urgent and in motion, and your decisions effect genuine changes. Very cool for 1992. Planescape and Fallout were later favorites, the former for its surrealism and the latter for the depth of its world.

Since the second half of the Playstation era, my gaming has almost exclusively been relegated to JRPGs. I like the aesthetics – the collision of magical futurism and technophobia – enough to withstand the invariable set of clichés. Or almost invariable.

Vault 12: The End


In September 27 2007 Xulm went to NMA and posted this:

After all that time I can finally start publishing my comic – I even fit in the Fallout’s 10th anniversary time – let it begin!
The Vault 12 comic will be updated every friday, since today.

It all starts with the page number 1 – the prologue, the introduction or whatever You want it to call.

Comic’s website:

Bon appetit!

The community helped with proofreading and all sorts of advices, and the series was a lot of fun to read. His characteristic visual style is really a treat, but all things have to come to an end. So check Vault 12’s site and have some fun, now that the series over.

Good work Xulm and all of his helpers, can’t wait to read more work coming from you.

Oh and if you are Polish head to the Motyw Drogi blog where you’ll find an interview with Xulm (thanks konradh)