First Review Hits

From our friends at NMA comes news that Fallout 3’s first review has been unleashed on the wild. This coming from French magazine PC JEUX:

Thus, the fear that Fallout 3 could be a post-apocalyptic Oblivion is totally gone. A few hours with the game will be enough for Fallout veterans to get their habits back and be able to walk with confidence through the game. New players will not feel totally lost either because references to the previous games are rather scarce and discrete. If most changes brought to the series are technical, the spirit is still there, sort of. Indeed, it’s a shame that this episode is so serious. It has lost, it seems, a good deal of the humour and even irony that was part of the series. Cinematographic references or completely twisted conversations with NPCs are gone. Aside from this, Fallout 3 is an excellent RPG and a good Fallout. The score is rather different but the music stays the same.

They’ve given the game a score of 93%, noting a good variety of quest types and also multiple resolutions for said quests while complaining about a few technical hang ups.  Maybe they should have conferred with the game’s recommended specs before reviewing…  oh wait.

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